Early Childhood Action Strategy (ECAS) brings together diverse stakeholders, including government and non-government organizations, to improve the system of care for Hawai‘i’s youngest keiki.


(1) More babies are born healthy,
(2) More children develop on-track,
(3) More children enter kindergarten school-ready,
(4) More children are proficient learners by third grade

ECAS goals are also reflected in the Hawai'i Early Childhood State Plan, which includes data-informed measures of how well our youngest keiki are doing on each of these dimensions.

The ECAS Network of partners aspire to

  • put children and families first

  • honor differences in culture and language across communities

  • address the needs of each island and provide opportunities for all to participate

  • be evidence-based and data informed

  • be implemented through the work of many government and non-government partner organizations


Hawai`i’s youngest keiki are healthy, safe and ready to learn.


Bring together government and non-government organizations to align priorities for children prenatal to age eight and to strengthen and integrate the early childhood system by streamlining services, maximizing resources and improving programs to support our youngest keiki.

Theory of Change 

When babies are born healthy, into safe and nurturing families, and have equitable access to high-quality programs and services, they have a much greater chance of developing on-track, and reaching school ready to thrive.

Network Structure

Six Core Teams work collaboratively to determine and implement systems-level strategies around their focus areas.

Some priorities emerge and grow into Cross-Network Initiatives with cross-team participation.

ECAS also engages in Policy Efforts and Data Efforts to help support and further the goals developed across the network.