*Under Construction

Affecting policy that supports the health, safety and learning of our youngest keiki,  is one of the six components of systems change that the ECAS network designs for and supports.  ECAS has coordinated a policy process in which priorities emerge from the network and then the ECAS team leads, or "Convener Team" determine which bills will become part of the ECAS Policy Agenda, based on how closely bills advance existing goals.   

The ECAS Policy Team,  made up of bill champions and government and nongovernment partners, meets regularly through the legislative session to provide each other with requests and updates. ECAS backbone staff provide testimony in support of ECAS Policy Agenda items, in partnership with partner advocacy groups. ECAS backbone staff will also provide testimony that supports state and county  priorities as requested, given how vital they are to the safety net of support for young children and their families.

Contact Jared Ellis,
ECAS Policy Lead

Policy Wins for Keiki in 2023

The 2023 Legislature committed more than $1 Billion to priorities that make a critical difference in the lives of keiki and families in Hawai`i.

Find out more.

ECAS Policy Framework