The Pāhoa Promise Partnership, on Hawaii Island, and the Ka ‘Upena o Waimānalo partnership, on Oahu, are community-based efforts to develop continuums of support for young keiki and their ‘ohana. By working together, and paying careful attention to indicators of child wellbeing, community partners are committed to supporting keiki in their earliest years, and making sure that all children reach kindergarten healthy, safe, and thriving.

In 2022 and 2023, Early Childhood Continuum partners:

  • Participated in conversations with early learning community members, HI_DOE leadership, and more than 80 stakeholders in Pāhoa and Waimānalo to co-design kindergarten readiness continuums in each community

  • Received funding from private foundations and county government to support kindergarten readiness continuum design, implementation, and evaluation efforts for the next four years

  • Convened design teams in each community, identified key goals & partners, identified key indicators of child and family wellbeing, developed rapid response workgroups, and launched first sprints to strengthen children’s health, safety, and early learning

Contact Megan Yarberry,
Early Childhood Continuum Support Lead