It is our belief that the system of care for young children is not the kuleana (responsibility) of any one agency, but of all of us. 

The Integrated Infant and Early Childhood Behavioral Health (IECBH) Plan proposes to integrate child and family mental health and trauma-informed care into our health and early care and learning systems throughout Hawaiʻi. This integration will create an intentionally aligned child and family-serving system that promotes school readiness and family success. 

  • Investing in mental health supports from birth on can improve outcomes for our youngest children, their families and our communities.

  • In Hawaiʻi, our system of care for young children spans across multiple departments and their internal divisions, foundations, and the child and family-serving nonprofits contracted through those entities. 

    Therefore, it is essential for public and private partners in Hawaiʻi to coordinate efforts to address gaps, avoid duplication, and maximize all resources. 

Contact Christina Simmons,
IECBH Coordinator