Research suggests that many disparities in overall health and well-being are rooted in early childhood. Interventions that support healthy development in early childhood reduce these disparities, have lifelong positive impacts, and support high quality care. Addressing health disparities through evidence-based physical activity and nutrition practices effectively offers opportunities to advance equity and improve the lives of young children and those that care for them.
Healthy Keiki, Healthy Future (HKHF) is a statewide public-private initiative that provides technical assistance (TA), tools/resources, and financial support to embed healthy eating and physical activity standards into Hawai‘i’s early childhood care and education (ECE) systems and settings.
Guided by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s (CDC) Spectrum of Opportunities framework, Hawai‘i stakeholders positively impacted systems change in the following opportunity areas:
Child and Adult Care Food Program,
Pre-Service and Professional Development Systems,
Statewide Technical Assistance Networks,
Statewide Access Initiatives (Farm2ECE), and
Statewide Recognition and Intervention Programs.
From February 2022 - July 2023, through partnership with Nemours Children's Health Healthy Kids, Healthy Future Technical Assistance Program (HKHF TAP), Hawai‘i ECE stakeholders from across the state implemented key initiatives that increased food access for vulnerable populations, created positive systems change, and strengthened partnerships amongst ECE stakeholders to continue to help our youngest keiki build lifelong healthy habits.
Contact Vivian Eto,
Strategy and Project Management Lead
Healthy Keiki, Healthy Future was made possible through a subaward agreement with Nemours Children’s Health using funding from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention under a five-year Cooperative Agreement (6NU38OT000304-04-02) to support statewide early care and education (ECE) organizations to integrate best practices and standards for healthy eating, physical activity, breastfeeding support, and reducing screen time in ECE systems and settings.
Nemours Children's Health Healthy Kids, Healthy Future Technical Assistance Program (HKHF TAP)
HKHF Reach and Impact
Providers, trainers and TA specialists in four major counties reached
(Virtual and in person)
ECE programs reached
(Virtual and in person)
Children ages 0-5 in ECE settings impacted
Federal dollars infused into local economy for physical activity and nutrition in ECE
HKHF Projects
The Hawai‘i Child and Adult Care Food Program (CACFP) GIS Mapping Project
Garden to Grindz: Kauaʻi Farm to ECE Local Food Incentive Program
Planting the Profession Community of Practice (CoP)
Farm to Keiki 101: Asynchronous Online Training
Farm to Keiki: A Project of Olapono
Certification Programs: “Early Childhood Outdoor Learning Environments” and “Gardening with Young Children”
Hawai‘i Physical Activity Learning Sessions (PALS) Professional Learning Community (PLC)
Developing a Healthy Keiki Healthy Future ECE Recognition Program
Healthy Keiki, Healthy Future: Physical Activity and Nutrition in ECE Settings Stakeholder Convening
Child and Adult Care Food Program (CACFP)
Early childhood is a critical time of physical, social, and emotional development. Research shows that limited or unstable access to nutritious food can disrupt this healthy development. Despite facing higher levels of food insecurity, families with young children often have access to fewer supports and services to access nutritious food.
The Child and Adult Care Food Program (CACFP) is an important federally funded program that increases access to nutritious, well-balanced meals for keiki in child care settings. ECE providers are essential partners in increasing food access and nutrition security and ensuring that our youngest keiki and their families can thrive.
CACFP has many wide-ranging benefits that underscore why participation in the program is a critical support. In addition to reducing food insecurity and offering assurance to families that their children will receive high-quality, nutritious meals each day, CACFP also strengthens the quality and financial stability of child care providers.
The CACFP Participation Dashboard
Explores CACFP and the National School Lunch Program (NSLP) participation of child care and early learning programs statewide in Hawaiʻi.
The Hawai‘i CACFP Story Map
Specifically highlights differences in CACFP and NSLP participation in various regions across the state and examines the potential for expanded participation in the context of food access and poverty.
Beyond its findings, the story map is a testament to how ECE stakeholders can work together to share data, identify shared goals, and raise awareness of federally funded food programs like CACFP and NSLP within Hawai‘i. As integral partners in CACFP expansion, we hope to use this story map to inform decision-making on the continued strengthening of child care regulations and systems of support for ECE providers that promote equity, incentivize participation, and reduce the administrative burden of participation in CACFP.
Stakeholder Convening, May 2023
The 2023 Healthy Keiki, Healthy Future statewide convening was an opportunity to promote collaboration and strengthen relationships.
In May 2023, 45 cross-sector stakeholders from 30 organizations attended the 2023 Healthy Keiki, Healthy Future Convening on the Island of O‘ahu. The convening had 4 main goals:
Celebrate the reach and impact of HKHF implementing partners
Establish a shared language
Strengthen relationships
Inspire commitment and collaboration
Attendees were guided through a day of learning, talk story, networking, and critical analysis of Hawai‘i’s strengths, opportunities, aspirations, restraints, and equity (SOARE) considerations regarding physical activity and nutrition practices in early childhood. Learn more in the 2023 convening report here.
Post event evaluation results
Attendees left the event feeling inspired, informed, and committed to supporting this important work.
93% of respondents left the event feeling very or extremely inspired
92% of respondents are very or extremely likely to take some form of action as a result of the event
92% of respondents have a better understanding of what is happening around physical activity and nutrition in ECE settings in Hawai‘i as a result of the event
HKHF Resource Library
Garden to Grindz: Kaua`i Farm to ECE Local Food Incentive Pilot Webinar
Sharing the best practices and lessons learned, for both ECE programs and food hubs, from our 2021-2023 Farm to ECE pilot.
Summary Presentation