The Hawai`i Community-centered Partnership (CCP) is placing communities at the center of voice and decision-making and a response to the longstanding desire to reduce the distance between funding and those most impacted.

This 4-year demonstration project will serve 8 communities on Hawai`i Island, Kaua`i and in Maui County. CCP investments are going directly into rural, neighbor-island communities. Hence, giving voice and power to communities with the least amount of agency. The first two communities have been identified and community efforts are moving fast in Moloka`i and in Ka`u. (link to blog post coming soon)

What is CCP?

CCP practice is the sharing of decision-making power with affected community members about priorities to be elevated, funded and realized. In practice, it means placing affected communities at the center of voice and decision-making.

Why now?

There is much momentum for prioritizing young children in both the State and Counties.  We have a well-established cross-sector network and a backbone who has been doing intermediary work for a decade. Finally, our neighbor-island partners continually ask for greater engagement and prioritization.  

Desired Outcomes

  • Reduce the distance between funding and those most impacted

  • Give voice and power to communities with least amount of agency

  • Strengthen community leadership

  • Support effective public and philanthropic investments

  • Promote social justice and equity


To strengthen community leadership, investments include compensation for staff and participating stakeholders.

  • CCP Lead: A full-time staff dedicated to the effort in Hawai‘i

  • Community Facilitator: A hired “boots on the ground” person from each identified community

  • Community Panel: 7-9 invited members from each community

Contact U`ilani Corr-Yorkman,
Community-centered Partnerships (CCP) Lead

Coming soon: Link and preview of blog post