U`ilani Corr-Yorkman

Community-centered Partnerships (CCP) Lead

U`ilani Corr-Yorkman is the lead of community centered partnerships for ECAS. She has been in the education realm for over a decade and started her career as a teacher for the Hawai`i Department of Education. Alongside her husband, she founded Haloalaunuiakea Early Learning Center, a nonprofit, Hawaiian culturally based early education center on the island of Kaua`i which focuses on preparing keiki for kindergarten while also exposing them to Hawaiian cultural values, traditions, language, customs, and practices at an earlier age.  She has also served as a kumu for various Kamehameha Schools Enrichment programs including `Ipukukui, Ho`olauna, and Kamehameha Scholars.

U`ilani recently worked with the Department of Interior (DOI) through the office of Native Hawaiian Relations (ONHR) where she served as the Technical and Training Assistant Coordinator for ONHRs Ho`ihi grant program.

She has taken part in various panel and discussion forums and boards working on early education, culturally based learning, organizational change, leadership, and grant funding initiatives. U`ilani is a graduate of the Kamehameha Schools and holds a bachelor’s degree in Elementary Education and a master’s degree in Education Technology both from the University of Hawai`i at Manoa. She also holds a master’s degree in Indigenous Education through Arizona State University and a doctoral degree in Organizational Change and Leadership through the University of Southern California.

U`ilani looks forward to working with community members, partners, and organizations to create change and provide support where it is most needed throughout the pae`aina.