Team 4 is working to increase access to early childhood programs and services throughout the state and to resolve program and service gaps community by community.
Efforts include:
Support capacity-building in the early learning field, with a specific focus on access for infants and toddlers
Increase access for children in unstable housing to early care and education programs and services
Increase access to services for family engagement and parent leadership with a special focus on fatherhood/male-involvement initiatives
Create a comprehensive, virtual and mobile, early childhood resource and referral service
Kaina Bonacorsi, Maui County
Alanna Souza, Kauaʻi Planning & Action Alliance
Subgroup Convener: Chris Jackson, Retired, formerly with EOEL, Head Start State Collaboration Office
Quarterly, 3rd Tuesdays,
10:00 am – 12:00 pm -
Team 4 Theory of Change
(Last updated 2022) -
Infant/Toddler Workgroup
Family Engagement and Supportive Partnerships Workgroup
Fatherhood Engagement and Supportive Partnerships Workgroup
Child Homeless Action Team (CHAT)
Keiki Central Workgroup
Neighbor-Island Workgroup
Keiki Central
A workgroup of ECAS Team 4, in partnership with Aloha United Way AUW211, has developed an online resource guide for Hawai‘i’s youngest keiki and their families.